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Updated: May 24, 2019

AGP, through crowdsourcing, provides women’s health products, clothes, groceries and books for children who were displaced as a result of the Boko Haram conflict. Because there are no schools in camp, we provide an alternative way for the children to get educated and be able to compete with their counterparts. Simultaneously, we conduct fundraising with the hope of securing sufficient funding to enroll them in schools. Besides teaching them English, Mathematics, Literature, and Science, we have also included a lesson on grace and courtesy; human rights; and conflict resolution strategies in our curriculum.

Some of the children, especially girls are forced into child labor while their mothers are subjected to sexual exploitation (exchange sex for food and services). As at the time of our last visit, over 80% of the women in the Abuja camp were pregnant and 60% of them do not have a relationship with the fathers of their babies.

We believe that special education needs to be provided to these children and their mothers to increase their knowledge of their rights (including sexual and reproductive rights) and break the cycle of violence. We are grateful to the partners we have worked with so far who have taught the women entrepreneurial skills to start their own small businesses to feed their families.

Find below some of the pictures:

Encouraging the children to read

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